She stressed that despite the difficulties, WFP remains committed to providing life-saving assistance to more than 150 million people and has implemented forward-looking actions in 36 countries to help vulnerable communities withstand the impacts of climate change.
She called on countries to strengthen cooperation to jointly respond to the continued growth in humanitarian needs and build more resilient fragile communities.
Food security and peace are inextricably linked
FAO Director-General QU Dongyu noted that malnutrition is widespread in all countries and socioeconomic classes, and convenient and unhealthy food choices are also increasing in high-income countries.
He called on all parties to work together to rebuild more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agricultural and food systems to ensure that all people have access to sufficient nutritious food.
He stressed that food security and peace are inextricably linked and that issues of hunger and malnutrition must be addressed in order to build peaceful communities.
At the ceremony, Qu Dongyu presented the FAO Achievement Award in recognition of the outstanding contribution of the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in tackling the armyworm.
Qu Dongyu called on the world to work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, safeguard everyone’s right to food, and build a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable world.