The top 10 foods that damage the kidneys!

Some “professional foodies” get used to the saltiness of ramen by eating it seven days a week, so the sodium ions in their blood soar. In addition to increasing the burden on the kidneys and damaging blood vessels, high blood sodium can also cause edema, high blood pressure, and gout, which is definitely a big problem for kidney damage.

No. : Bubble Milk Tea

That’s right, the crown for damaging kidneys must go to bubble milk tea, which is the most commonly consumed kidney-damaging food among Taiwanese people.



A cup of pearl milk tea has as high as 783 calories. The milk in milk tea is made from creamer. Whether in powder or liquid form, it is a fat rather than milk. Although creamer made with trans fats is less used now, the pearls in it are a source of high calories.

High fructose is also a major factor in kidney damage. The World Health Organization recommends that the daily intake of refined sugar per person should not exceed 5% of daily calories. Based on the 1,800 calories required by adults per day, refined sugar should not exceed 90 calories (22.5 grams).

A 700ml cup of pearl milk tea contains about 50 to 60 grams of sugar, and drinking half a cup may exceed the limit.

The fructose syrup in pearl milk tea will produce too much trisaccharide phosphate during metabolism, which will promote the synthesis of some lipids in the liver, increase the accumulation of triglycerides, and increase insulin resistance, thus easily causing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, gout, etc. These chronic diseases are the culprits of kidney damage.


For the sake of your kidney health, try to eat less of the above 10 foods that are super harmful to the kidney. If you occasionally eat them, be sure to drink more water and exercise more to metabolize them as soon as possible.