Do you know your prostate? Don’t ignore frequent urination and pain

The prostate is a unique organ for men, but not every man knows enough about it. According to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, about 1 in 10 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Prostatitis is common in young men, and prostate hypertrophy is a disease that men cannot avoid as they age.

What is the prostate?

The prostate gland, also known as the prostate, is a walnut-sized gland in the male body. It is located at the lower end of the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Therefore, when men urinate, urine must pass through the prostate gland.



The main function of the prostate is to store prostatic fluid, which combines with sperm to form semen required for reproduction. When there is a problem with the prostate, it may affect the male’s reproductive function.

What happens to the prostate as you age?

Typically, the prostate gland gets bigger as you age: In a man’s 20s, the prostate gland is about the size of a walnut; by age 40, it may be the size of an apricot; and by age 60, it may be the size of a lemon.

Why do we want the prostate to “keep its shape”? Because when the prostate enlarges, the urethra wrapped by the prostate will be squeezed, and the “tunnel” through which urine must pass will become narrower. Some men in their thirties and forties may experience symptoms such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and painful urination; some men will only experience them when they are very old. ( The “fate” that men cannot escape? 4 tips to prevent prostate enlargement )

In addition to aging factors, inflammation or tumors can also cause the prostate to enlarge. The following three prostate diseases are the most common:

● Prostatitis
● Prostatic hypertrophy
● Prostatic cancer

Fortunately, these three diseases do not interfere with each other. For example, even if there is prostate hypertrophy, it will not directly lead to prostate cancer. However, if you do not pay attention to maintenance, you may also get three diseases at the same time.

The most basic thing we can do is not to ignore the symptoms. Chen Yixian, deputy director of the Urology Medical System at North Shore University Hospital, said that many Asians are reluctant to see a doctor because they are afraid of finding out the problem; or they are too busy at work and don’t want to have surgery. Therefore, if the “procrastination” strategy is used for a long time, the problem will grow from small to big.