Prostate cancer has a long incubation period and its early symptoms are not obvious, so many patients fail to get diagnosed and treated early. Therefore, it is very important to understand the signs of prostate cancer and how to prevent it from the source!
The Lancet, a well-known medical journal, published a new research report in April this year, which estimated that the number of new cases of prostate cancer worldwide will double from 1.4 million in 2020 to 2.9 million in 2040. Prostate cancer has become the most common cancer in men in 112 countries around the world.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
Chen Bosheng, a cancer specialist at the “Jinghe Chinese Medicine Clinic” in Taiwan, pointed out in the New Tang Dynasty’s “Health 1+1” program that prostate cancer has a lot to do with age, because as the human body ages, cells also age, and problems may occur during cell replication and re-replication, which can lead to cancer. But regardless of whether there are symptoms or not, there is actually a high proportion of prostate cancer cells in the male body. Moreover, patients with prostate cancer are getting younger and younger, with some patients only in their 40s or 50s.
Prostate cancer is a slow-growing tumor with a long incubation period. Many people do not know they have prostate cancer throughout their lives. A study of 114 Japanese men who underwent autopsies showed that the average age of the deceased was 62 years old and none of them had a history of cancer. However, the histological examination results after the autopsy showed that 38.6% had prostate cancer. Among those over 80 years old, 61.5% had prostate cancer.
In addition, Dr. Chen Bosheng said that the processed products and fast food products that modern people often eat are different from traditional original foods. The former have more seasonings, preservatives, pigments, etc., which can easily increase the burden on the body. And a bad diet may further stimulate cancer cells that already exist in the body. If the immune function is not good, tumors will begin to form.
Signs of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is highly occult and usually has no obvious symptoms in the early stages. As the cancer progresses, the following symptoms may appear :